Friday, September 19, 2008

Favorite Foto Friday

This week is HOPE
Hope is big word....
Hope is what we all need..
Every child and every adult.
With out Hope there no life...

Our daughter Anna
We all hopping she will be done with this blood issue... Her platelets will stop dropping every 2-3 weeks after treatments.
We hoppiing she won't need to stay in the hospital anymore.
We hopping she will be back to her favorite sport.
Here are some pictures from her last stay. She made so many friends:
I let them dance on the hospital bed (Sorry nurses and Doctors:-)

Anna rolling around while getting her blood trunsfusion:-)

Plasma exchange machine, the big bag is her plasma going out and a little bags it is donated one:-) Her friend try ed to encourage to go for a walk with it. ( It is toooo BIG)

Anna's favorite nurse Renee:-) HI, Renee!!!

Saying good bye to Anna and last play time :-)

For more FFF's Go to:


Violet said...

We are hoping and praying right along with her! Keep staying strong Anna!!!

Debbie said...

I will be praying for your daughter, My oldest daughter had a platelet problem when she was 10 1/2 months old!! But she is fine now and healthy and married and expecting a baby!! God gives hope!!
