Monday, January 26, 2009

First i want to thanks everyone for your prayers, her labs are getting better very slowly.
In last few days Anna been very tired and not her self very low energy. Even right now we are home she is just very tired. We still going every other day this and next week, after that we can see if we can start 2 time a week. Our Dr. wants to be very carefully about how often Anna will do treatment, because we don't want her kidneys to fail. We are very grateful that she never need it dialysis and we hopping to keep this way.
Please continue to pray for her. If you can spread the word out to the other groups that would be great, we need more prayers for her healing.


Tami said...

So glad to hear her labs are starting to look better. We'll keep her in our prayers.

Anonymous said...

Praying for your sweet girl always