We are back home and we keeping Anna from school for this week. Her blood levels went up and they are going where we want them to go, but her kidneys are going in wrong direction. We have to go back tomorrow and if her kidneys are not better, then she will have to stay there for at least 3 days.
On Sunday night Anna didn't want to go to bed, all she did was crying and asking me question about her condition and when this will all over. My answer was we trusting in God for her full healing, but she didn't wanted to hear that. Also Yesterday morning she didn't wanted to go for her treatment, all she wanted just stay in her bed and do nothing. I finally convince her that we want her to be well and if won't get her treatment it will get worse. I took her to Doernbecher early, so she can attend school there and play with friend that she made in her last week stay. She like that and she found out that her new friend will be going home today.
Her treatment went well i did talk to her Dr. explaining how Anna is been this days, that she is tired of all this going on. She told me that his relapse is worst one that she had so far and we need to make sure she won't relapse again. We every one it is BIG steps back and it is harder to get out of it. Anna is now on 5 different medication, when before she was only on one. We also will be trying get her genetic testing done, right now we waiting for insurance approval. I love out Dr she will have time tomorrow to sit down with Anna and me and just talk and answer Anna's Q. We looking for this conversation, usually when Dr. comes there always some extra people, so Anna didn't wanted to ask her anything. Anna is excited for this time, but we also hopping that she won't need to stay for another 3 days.
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