Thursday, January 15, 2009

Yesterday we went to Doernbecher hospital with Anna for her treatment. The labs results are getting us more confusing of what her body needs. Her blood levels are going up, but with it also other stuff going up too. We used to watch her platelets until last relapse, then we learn that we have to look at her kidneys numbers first. If her kidneys numbers up, then she needs more treatments a week. There is always big BUT her platelets are getting too high and that can cause major complications like blood cloth.
She is having another treatment tomorrow and we hopping she won't need another one on Saturday and maybe do only twice next week.

1 comment:

Alexandra {{Awareness Warrior}} said...

Praying for wisdom for what to do, that what needs to go down goes down (and stays that way), what needs to go up goes up (and stays that way), and what needs to stay the same stays the same!

God bless,