I just want to let you know our plan for this week.
This week Anna will be getting her treatments every other day and we hopping that she will be better so we can move on for 2 times a week.
We would like you to keep her in your prayers, so it will go very smooth with out any problem. On last treatment she was fell asleep that was not normal for her it did got everyone concern about it, she was very tired and not feeling well for the rest of that day.
I will be praying for your daughter. Thank you so mcuh for praying for mine.
Anna's button is all done! You can find it here. Just copy the code provided and post it wherever you'd like and it will show the button (which will link to your blog) and will show the "grab this button" link below it. I hope you like it!
I can't imagine how scared you must be. Hang in there, you all can get through this. I will keep Anna in my prayers as I remember.
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